Our Team
Ministry team
St. Peter’s Fireside is governed in four capacities: our Bishop, Rector, parish council, and ministry team. Our Bishop provides spiritual authority and oversight, and works through an appointed Rector (Lead Pastor). The Rector collaborates with the Parish Council and oversees the Ministry Team (other ordained ministers and staff) in the equipping and building up of the church.
Parish Council
As a church, one of our core values, is Under Authority. We are citizens of the kingdom of God, not culture, led by Jesus through his Word, Spirit, and Church. In the kingdom of God, authority is not wielded in the same way as the world. Rather, we follow Jesus who uses his authority to serve and not be served. The Parish Council is called to model our value of Under Authority for the well-being of our church.
The Parish Council is composed of elected and appointed members who uphold the constitution and bylaws of St. Peter’s Fireside. They work alongside the Lead Pastor to ensure the responsible implementation of the church's vision, stewardship of our resources, and management of our affairs as an incorporated religious society. As the name Council suggests, the team serves as an advisory and administrative support to the Lead Pastor. For example:
• Under God, the Council advises the Rector on the spiritual oversight and leadership provided for the overall direction of the church.
•The Council offers administrative support to ensure the responsible governance of the affairs of the church. They help implement and develop policy.
•The Council, through the Rector, set the standards of conduct of employees of the church. Although the Council advises on these matters, the hiring and management of the staff is delegated to the Rector and Ministry Director.
•The Council offers careful thought to the long term strategic health and effectiveness of the mission of Christ among us.
St. Peter’s Fireside is part of the world-wide Anglican Communion. It is the largest Protestant communion of churches in the world, with almost 80 million members in 165 countries. Our province is the Anglican Church in North America, and our diocese is the Anglican Network in Canada.
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