We love Sundays

What Can I Expect

Our ethos may be described as “Contemporary Liturgical.” Our worship is timeless, but not traditional; reverent, but not rigid, ordered but also open.

  • Our Sunday morning service follows a liturgical format (a structured form of prayer and worship).

  • If you’re not able to make it in person, the full service is also available on YouTube every Sunday at 10:00am.

  • We are family-friendly, and you can find out more about our children’s program here.

  • You can listen or watch our previous sermons on Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud, or Spotify or watch on YouTube.

  • The church isn’t a building, it’s people. That’s why we say “Thank you for bringing the church into this building!”

    This means you can expect people to welcome you and say ‘Hi.’ If you’re the quiet type, don’t worry. We’re not pushy, but we do want you to know that we’re glad to meet you. We invite you to experience what the gospel means intellectually, spiritually and relationally at one of our Sunday worship services. You can engage with others as much as you want, or remain anonymous if you prefer.

  • We do everything we can to present Jesus. Our sermons are about 25 minutes long, and while this might mean you’ll learn some helpful things—that’s not really the point. The point is centering ourselves around the truth about who Jesus is and what he came to do. All our sermons are online, so you can give them a listen

  • Every Sunday is a dress rehearsal for living into a different story. We each have a part to play. Liturgy means “the work of the people.” We incorporate classic expressions of worship (Found in the Book of Common Prayer). Liturgy helps walk us through the beautiful story of the gospel of Jesus. The songs and readings, the prayers and participation, are arranged in a way so that we rehearse the good news of God’s grace to us. We provide service sheets that include explanations of why we do what we do.

  • Worship is not just singing songs; it is the offering of our whole selves to God in Christ. But worship through music is an important expression of our heart's response to God's grace. Our music at St Pete's is contemporary in style and Christ-centred in content.

  • At St Pete's we celebrate Holy Communion (also called the Holy Eucharist or the Lord's Supper) every week as a primary means of receiving God's grace. We understand Holy Communion to be a memorial of Christ's sacrifice, a spiritual participation in his body and blood, and a proclamation of his death until he comes again.

  • Each Sunday, your child will learn the Bible and how it relates to Jesus in an age-appropriate way. The lessons are fun and approachable and taught by committed volunteers and teachers who serve Jesus by serving you and your kids. When you walk in the door, you’ll see signage directing you to the St. Pete’s Kids check-in area. Or you can ask one of the many volunteers serving that Sunday to direct you. At the check-in area, you’ll be greeted by a volunteer or staff member who will help you register your children.

How Do I Get to St. Peters?

St. Peter’s Fireside meets in the theatre at UBC- Robson (800 Robson St.) in Downtown Vancouver, it’s sort of hidden underground.
We know people travel in all sorts of ways, cars, busses, trains, bikes, vespas, scooters, roller skates... Click here for a map, or click on of the drop downs to find the best way to get there using Transit or a fancy automobile.

Once you make it to UBC-Robson look for the Red and Blue signs.

  • There are a lot of bus routes that run along Burrard St, Georgia St, or Granville St that you could take to get to Robson Square.

    To find the best bus to take, we recommend using Translink’s Trip Planner.

  • Take the Canada Line to Vancouver City Centre Station, and follow the signs to the Georgia Street exit. When you get to street level, take a left, and walk along Georgia St. towards the Art Gallery.

    Cross over Howe St., and then turn left and head to the back of the Art Gallery building.

    You’ll see some steps leading down, with a glass half-dome — head down those steps, and enter the doors that say UBC Robson Square.

  • Take the Expo Line to Burrard Street Station, and follow the signs to the Burrard Street exit.

    When you get to street level, take a right, and walk towards Georgia St. Cross over to the opposite corner of Burrard and Georgia (towards the Fairmont Hotel). And then continue along Georgia St. towards the Art Gallery.

    Cross over Hornby St., and then turn right and head to the back of the Art Gallery building.

    You’ll see some steps leading down, with a glass half-dome — head down those steps, and enter the doors that say UBC Robson Square.

  • To access the Robson Square’s underground parking travel on Howe St. towards Nelson St. (Howe St. is a one-way street).

    Turn right into the entrance just before Nelson St. (Beside the digital clock)

    Once you enter the parking lot follow the directional signs to UBC Robson Square parking area.

    Parking is $6.50 for the day.