SPK is a place for kids to encounter God as kids.

The Big Picture

St. Pete’s Kids is a special place. It is not daycare or babysitting or school. SPK is a place for kids to encounter God as kids.

Kids connect with God in unique ways: song, play, stories, science experiments, art, stillness, dancing, memorizing, running… and more! Our goal is to create spaces and experiences that help our kids get to know God better.

We welcome any child regardless of age, gender, ability, class, or ethnicity. We are happy to work with grown-ups to help your child find his or her place in St. Pete’s Kids.

Kids Church

  • We offer Nursery care and worship time for children age, 6 months to 2 years old.
    Begin your morning by registering your child at the check in table. (Look for the SPK banner.) If this is your first Sunday, we will ask you to fill out a bit of extra paperwork. (If you would like to fill this out before Sunday morning, follow the “Register Here!” link below.)

    At 9:55 am, the nursery will open. Your child will be greeted at the door by one of our Team SPK members (wearing a blue SPK shirt and nametag).

    Every Sunday morning, we remind our kids: God is always with us… but St. Pete’s Kids is EXTRA SPECIAL time with God because we get to worship and remember God together.

    This frames our SPK service. We worship through song, prayer, dance, etc. We remember by reading, playing, and memorizing the Bible. And we make special space for each child because being together is what makes our time with God extra special (see, for example, Matthew 18:20).

    Just before communion, you will be invited to collect your child from Nursery. Please come pick up your child at this time.

  • We offer one mixed preschool/elementary worship service on Sunday mornings. Begin your morning by registering your child at the check in table. (Look for the SPK banner.) If this is your first Sunday, we will ask you to fill out a bit of extra paperwork. (If you would like to fill this out before Sunday morning, follow the “Register Here!” link below.)

    At 9:55 am, the preschool/elementary room will open. Your child will be greeted at the door by one of our Team SPK members (wearing a blue SPK shirt and nametag).

    Every Sunday morning, we remind our kids: God is always with us… but St. Pete’s Kids is EXTRA SPECIAL time with God because we get to worship and remember God together.

    This frames our SPK service. We worship through song, prayer, dance, etc. We remember by reading, playing, and memorizing the Bible. And we make special space for each child because being together is what makes our time with God extra special (see, for example, Matthew 18:20).

    The children will rejoin the grown-ups for communion time. The person at the check-in table will provide guidance about this process.

  • Children from grades 4-6 have an extra special bible time, reading and studying the bible with an investigators eye.

    Grades 4-6 kids start off in the service alongside the grown ups, this way they can pray and worship with the whole church. When the sermon begins they will be dismissed to the Lobby and meet with their SPK leader (wearing a blue SPK shirt and nametag).

    During the sermon they read and explore different bible studies verse by verse, learning to ask important questions of the bible and how God speaks to them through scripture.


Our safety plan follows ANiC’s customized Plan to Protect policy. Our policy stipulates that: there must always be at least two grown-ups with the children; Team SPK receives safety training once a year; and all Team SPK members have attended our church for at least 6 months, have been interviewed by a member of the Plan to Protect Committee, and have completed a criminal record check.

The implementation of our safety policy is overseen by our Family Ministries Director and a parent-led Plan to Protect Committee.

If you have any concerns, please contact the MinistryDirector or use the link below. 

Team SPK

St. Pete’s Kids doesn’t happen without a team of committed, safe adults caring for our kids and helping them get to know God better.

There are a number of roles available on Team St. Pete’s Kids: set up/tear down, check in & float, service leader for preschool/elementary or nursery, and support for preschool/elementary or nursery.

We are also happy to work with you to find a place on Team SPK to use your unique passions and skills to serve our kids!