Why is Prayer such a big deal?
Prayer is our lifeline.
It is how we connect to the heart of God and his love for us. And it’s the fuel behind our presence within the city. There is absolutely no advancement of the gospel, in our hearts or in our city, without a firm foundation in prayer.
We want to provide various ways to help you grow in prayer, below are a few ways, that we want to help.
Prayer Requests
We ask for prayer requests weekly through text message. You can subscribe by texting JOIN to (604) 670-4054. Our staff prays together for every matter brought to us. All requests will be kept confidential unless permission is given. A member of our staff may reach out to follow up with you.
The Daily Offices
Throughout the centuries, Christians have engaged in the discipline of praying in the morning and evening. This practice is called The Daily Offices. As a church rooted in the Anglican heritage, we encourage this discipline. It is life transforming and unites you with praying Christians throughout the centuries and the world today. We have put together a helpful, intuitive guide for our church to engage in the Daily Offices. You can download it or pick up a physical copy on a Sunday at St. Peter’s.
Set a daily alarm or reminder for 12:12pm to join our movement of prayer. When it pings, take a moment to pray. Why 12:12pm? Romans 12:12, “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” But also because it’s most people’s lunch so you’ll actually be free to pray. You can pray with whoever you’re with, you can text a prayer to a friend, or call someone to pray with you, or pray by yourself.